God of Love, God of Thunder
Tackling a simple question: What does it mean to call someone a god? What is the fundamental difference between the god of thunder and the God of the Bible (Thor and YHWH, respectively)?
Happy Thorsday, residents of Midgard (*Earth)! An idolatrous soda can. Questions of godhood. Synergy with Thor: Love and Thunder, which I'm technically not spoiling. Background on Marvel Thor. Norse Thor. Jason Aaron's Thor run. Gorr the God Butcher and the problem of evil. Godlike attributes and actions. Conceptions of God/YHWH in Christianity. God of will or God of love. Christ as the image of God. A more Christlike Thor. Pop Culture Consolations. Altar call and credits.
References & Links:
References & Links:
- How to Get into Comics posts: Intro, Nerd Lingo, How to Read
- Thor: God of Thunder by Jason Aaron & Esad Ribic
- A More Christlike God by Bradley Jersak
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