Thanos's Snap, God's Flood (w/ Janet Ray)
Who's worse - the supervillain who disintegrates half of sentient life or the God who drowns all but a few? Janet Ray discusses issues with the flood from a scientific perspective, while I look at the theological side.
Who's worse - the supervillain who disintegrates half of sentient life or the God who drowns all but a few? Janet Ray discusses issues with the flood from a scientific perspective, while I look at the theological side.
Hot take: God vs. Thanos. Background on Thanos in the MCU. God or YHWH in Genesis. Other gods, other floods. Thanos’s motivation. YHWH's motivation. Guest segment: Janet Kellogg Ray. Scientific problems with the flood. Scientific problems with Thanos's plan. A sustainable approach to creation. Thanos’s conclusions. YHWH's conclusions and change of heart. A consistent God of love. Positive takeaways from the flood story. Pop Culture Consolations & Desolations. Altar call & credits.
Hot take: God vs. Thanos. Background on Thanos in the MCU. God or YHWH in Genesis. Other gods, other floods. Thanos’s motivation. YHWH's motivation. Guest segment: Janet Kellogg Ray. Scientific problems with the flood. Scientific problems with Thanos's plan. A sustainable approach to creation. Thanos’s conclusions. YHWH's conclusions and change of heart. A consistent God of love. Positive takeaways from the flood story. Pop Culture Consolations & Desolations. Altar call & credits.
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